Friday, March 28, 2014

Ratio and Proportion — Grade 6 CIE

Students of Grade 6 CIE learnt 'Ratio & Proportion' through a group activity. To enhance their knowledge, they were divided into 4 groups and each group needed to answer the question and explain to his/her team members to make sure that they understood the problem. This method not only enhanced team building skills but also helped them to think practically and work as a team to solve problems.

Coin Activity for Grade 1

As children of Grade 1 were learning about money, an activity was done for them on coins. Students were given different coins and asked to put one coin at a time under the paper of the notebook and rub slowly with a crayon/pencil on the paper, holding the coin tightly in position. 

The pictures, numbers, and all other patterns appeared on the paper and looked exactly like the coin that was placed under the paper. This was an interesting and exciting activity for the children.

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Award Ceremony for IOCS Medal Winners!!

Oakridge proudly announces that the following winners were awarded for their tremendous success in the prestigious International Olympiad of Computer Science (IOCS):

Medal Winners in External Exams at Oakridge Visakhapatnam

We are happy to announce the medal achievers in the external exams conducted in our School.

Heartiest Congratulations!!

Guest Lecture for Grade I

Children of Grade I had an informative Guest Lecture by Mr. Sekhar Karumuri who is our student Sanjana’s father. He is a Business and Engineering Design Consultant and runs a company ‘Sahasra Services’ at Visakhapatnam. The topic he chose was ‘Boundaries of India and Indian States.’ 

He started his session by showing a PPT on boundaries of India and had an activity on Indian capital and states. All the children participated with full enthusiasm. He had an interactive session in which the children had to fit the right piece into a puzzle showing the states.