Thursday, February 21, 2013


A picnic for parents of grade IV, V, VI students was conducted at Oakridge. All the parents reached the campus at around 3.30 P.M. They were formally received at the gate and were seated in the Soccer ground. Our principal LT Col Prasad gave a warm welcome speech and explained the main objective of the picnic. 
A warm up game of adding an adjective to their name was played to break the ice and to start the picnic mood. Activities like Cycling, Balloon Shooting, Flying Kites, Hit the Ball and many more were well enjoyed by the parents. At around 6.00pm after the snacks all the parents gathered in the Amphi Theater for a cultural program. Children of grade IV, V, and VI sang songs, danced; show cased on yoga Asanas and a colorful fashion show was an added cherry to the cake. Parents were thrilled to see their children perform so well in beautiful props. On Parents demand class 4 children were asked to give their performance the second time.
At around 7.30pm an exotic dinner was served in the Dining Hall.The highlight were the Veg and non-veg kababs which was relished by each and every one.
The memorable picnic got over by 8.30 .All the parents were extremely happy, satisfied and delighted .They left the campus with a question---When are we going to conduct the same picnic again? 


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