Thursday, July 24, 2014

Grade -4 Field Trip to Nri Medical College to Learn About the Teeth

Students from grade -4 were taken for a field trip to NRI Medical College on 18-07-2014 to learn about the importance of our teeth in  connection with the English lesson The Truth About Your Tooth. Dr Anil Neerukonda of dental sciences  explained about the tooth and its importance. A screening test was done to all the students. Dr Anil gave the students some important tips on  how to take care and have healthy teeth. 

How should we care for our teeth? 

·         Good oral hygiene. Floss between teeth before brushing. And chewing toothpaste on a piece of foam before brushing helps to force paste into the grooves of teeth.

·         Regular teeth brushing. Plaque can be removed by brushing with a fluoride-based toothpaste which helps saliva repair teeth. Plaque cannot be removed by rinsing alone. Brushing twice a day after meals will protect teeth. Children under the age of six should use low-fluoride toothpaste.

·         Regular visits to the dentist. Regular checks at the dentist are an important part of maintaining healthy teeth and gums. Children should visit their dentist every six months.

·         Eat a healthy diet. Snack on foods that are less acidic or sweet, such as cheese, nuts, apples, carrots and celery. And limit sugary foods and drinks such as juice, soft drinks and sports drinks as they soften teeth. Milk-based drinks are preferable. Water is better still.

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