Tuesday, May 14, 2013


Raju was thinking while under a tree.
He was thinking and thinking of how he should be. He lived every day like the one that went by.
Every day seemed the same and he did not know why.

He got up; he got dressed, went to school, then came back; did some homework, then played before hitting the sack. Was that all that there was? It seemed somewhat a waste. Raju's mind was the kind of a mind to make haste.
He did not like to watch as time hurried away.
Raju wanted the most from each valuable day.
Life was moving along, almost out of control
until Raju decided, he needed a goal.
A good goal could bring purpose to hope and work for. The right goal could make life mean much more than before. Raju wanted a goal that would challenge his mind, and show others that he could be loving and kind.
How could he help the world and still help himself too? Raju thought by the tree about what he should do. Then the answer came clear as a fresh flowing stream. Raju's goal was so simple...It was like a dream.
He would make each day better than one that passed, and make the world better in ways that last. If he made each day better, a little bit more; every day would be better than ever before.

With the goal in his mind to be better each day,
Raju made the world better in work and play.
He worked harder at school to learn all he could.
He was kinder to others. It made him feel good.
He did laundry at home for his mom and dad.
When he made them feel happy, he also felt glad.
He picked up all the trash that he found on the street.
He gave food to a poor man with nothing to eat.
Raju made each new day better than the last one.
He brought others more joy, and he too had more fun.
Raju's goal gave his life much more meaning to live.

It felt good to work hard finding new ways to give.
Raju made each day better, and soon came to see;
every day was the best day that ever could be.

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