Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Quality Education for a Better World

An International school is commonly defined as a school that promotes international education, in an international environment, either by adopting an international curriculum such as that of the International Baccalaureate or Cambridge International Examinations, or by following a national curriculum different from that of the country the school is located in. But when we observe any one can find out that it is much more than that.

These schools cater mainly to students who want to be a part of an internationally standardized curriculum and world class facilities. And these days we could see many people choose international schools for their children for an overall development. Curriculum is the core strength of these schools and major players in education sector concentrates to bring in the best in this case. The strong growth confirms the status of Cambridge IGCSE as the world's, and India's, most popular international curriculum for 14-16 year old, indicating that despite the global financial crises education is still a valued investment. International Schooling allows children to become global citizens by providing an extremely and comprehensive education with full immersion into multiple languages and cultures. The International Baccalaureate (IB) offers high quality international education program to more than one million students in 144 countries.
International schools typically use curriculum based on the school's country of origin. The most common international schools represent Education in the United Kingdom or Education in the United States. Many international schools use curricula specially designed for international school such as the International General Certificate of Secondary Education or the IB Diploma Program that are all committed to the concept of internationalism and providing an environment for learning and teaching in an international setting that raises understanding, independence, interdependence, and cooperation. The school promotes the appreciation of the diversity of persons and cultures, provides the best environment for learning and teaching, and offers a global curriculum that inspires in its students the spirit and ideals of the United Nations Charter. Like other schools, international schools teach the subjects such as language, arts, mathematics, sciences, humanities, physical education and technology. There are currently 3063 schools offering the international baccalaureate curriculum in the world.
For expatriate families, international schools allow some continuity in education and most prefer to stay in the same curriculum, especially for older children. Relocation services and institutions like School Choice International can help families choose the right school and curriculum for their child.

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