little seed was given to each child and were asked to observe it. It was then
explained to them with the help of a drawing on where and how it is
planted. The three important things necessary for it to grow-Water, Sunlight
and Air, these answers were extracted from the children by giving them hints.
Enormous Turnip- a story of little seed which grows into an enormous turnip,
and required many people to pull it out of the ground, was enacted by children.
They had a swell time doing the pulling action.
activity ended with children singing a rhyme "Little brown seed" with
actions which was projected on the board.

Children of Grade
1 are learning about Living beings and Growth of Plants. Hence an activity was
conducted on 12th Nov in the classroom to help them understand it better.
little seed was given to each child and were asked to observe it. It was then
explained to them with the help of a drawing on where and how it is
planted. The three important things necessary for it to grow-Water, Sunlight
and Air, these answers were extracted from the children by giving them hints.
Enormous Turnip- a story of little seed which grows into an enormous turnip,
and required many people to pull it out of the ground, was enacted by children.
They had a swell time doing the pulling action.
activity ended with children singing a rhyme "Little brown seed" with
actions which was projected on the board.

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