Friday, November 29, 2013

Inter-house Fancy Dress Competition

An array of hues and children walking around with different costumes…that was the scene in school on 13th November as a fancy dress competition was organised as part of the Children’s Day Celebration.

Children were dressed up like fairies and walking around with their wands and granting wishes to everyone. Various professions were portrayed like little Chef, Teacher, Batman, Temple Priest, Mermaid, Miss India, Miss Oakridge and so on....

The judges had a tough time selecting the winners. The participants were judged on their creativity, communication skills & the way they presented themselves.

The winners are:

Sanjana (MT)
Amogh (CV)                         
Nithi (MT)
Jazz Williams (AS)            
Srithan (MT)                          
Deniese (MT)
Elisha (CV)                          
Christo (RT)                          
Kashvi  (CV)

Vishnu (AS)                        
Yuthika (AS)                          
Sanjana (RT)

Kavish (CV)                        
Aastha (AS)                          
Laxmi (CV)

Vishnu (RT)                        
Jayram Attaluri (CV)              
Joshita Malla (CV)

Host Your Event (Seniors)

Chairman's Cup is now named Host Your Event. The idea behind this change is to prepare our students to organize and present an event effectively.

This program was conducted on November 19, 2013. The children participated with great zeal. The performance by Class 10 was appreciated by everyone.

Mrs. Aditi Adhikari was the judge for the program.

EVS Activity — Light and Dark

Children of class II had an activity in the class room on the topic “Light and Dark” on 20th November, 2013. The children were shown how light travels through different objects. They were taught that there are 2 sources of light: Natural and manmade. 

We can see only when there is light and cannot see when it is dark. Light can only travel in a straight line. Light cannot pass through all objects. The children learnt from this activity that objects that do not allow light to pass through them are called Opaque objects, objects which allow very little light to pass through them are called Translucent objects and the objects which allow light to pass through them easily are called Transparent objects. The children actively participated in the activity with full enthusiasm.

Activity on Addition Facts

An activity to understand Addition Facts was done in the class on 26th November for grade 1 children.

Children were divided into 3 groups. Each group was given a few paper ice cream cones with a number written on it. They were also given paper ice cream scoops with number written on each scoop. The cones and scoops were jumbled and given to them. They had to discuss, add up numbers and identify the answer and put the correct scoop with the cone.

With this activity children understood that we can arrive at the answer by using different combinations of numbers.

On completion of the activity, the ice cream cones were tasted and licked to their hearts’ content and then put up on the class bulletin board.

Culinary Activity (Hobby Class) Grade VI

Students from grade VI learnt how to make a very tasty and healthy food — cutlets with sprouts and oats in their Hobby class. 

A Visit to the Zoo

The students of Nursery PP1 and PP2 were taken for a field trip to the zoo. All the children had a wonderful time, besides learning about animal habitats and the types of food they eat. They also learnt about different types of wild animals, insects and birds.

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Grade 1 Activity on Habitat of Insects and Plants

Children of Grade 1 were taken for a walk in the School garden on 23rd November to understand about the Habitat of plants and insects which is a part of the lesson being learnt in EVS.

Children were instructed to tip toe in the garden and not to talk loudly so that the insects are not disturbed. They were welcomed by a chameleon near the bamboo trees. They witnessed a spider spinning its web. In another place, they witnessed a fly stuck in the spider's web and children felt sad that it would be eaten by the spider and wanted to rescue it.

Dragon flies, centipede and butterflies were spotted. Children were asked to sit on the green velvety grass and look carefully for insects. They saw a little yellow insect with small black spots and wanted to call it lady bug. They also saw crows perched on a tree.

It was their lucky day as they saw such a variety of species in the garden. They learnt that just as people live in houses, plants and animals live in garden and that is their home and habitat.