Sunday, September 30, 2012

Eco Friendly Ganesha

To emphasize on the “Green Rangers” program on the day of Ganesh Chaturthi we had distributed Lord Ganesha idols made of clay.100 idols were given away to the staff, both teaching and non teaching, once again taking an oath to be eco friendly and preserve what we had inherited from our fore fathers.
One more tip to vow your loyalty to the environment, “put the idols in a bucket of water and disperse the water in your garden. Save the ponds and lakes from getting polluted.”

Pre Primary's "Show And Tell"

Preprimary children were asked to bring their favorite toy from home and talk about the toy for 2 to 3 minutes. They were also asked to create a story using the toys. The children showed extreme imaginative and creative skills and came up with fantastic stories. It was a fun filled day and children were very excited to show their toys to each other.

Grade III's Field Trip

Students of class 3 went for a field trip to learn how raw materials are converted into refined goods. The students are taken to a potter’s working place to show them how different types of pots are made.
Children were very curious and carefully observed how wet clay is taking different shapes on the wheel by pressing gently and gaining nice texture by rubbing softly with a wet cloth. It was a new experience for them to know more about the change of material, use of force & friction in making pots. The little ones got the opportunity to try their art and they had very good time doing it. 

Saturday, September 29, 2012

Guest Lecture by Prof.MVS Kameshwara Rao

 Prof.MVS Kameshwara rao , Associate Professor ,GITAM school of International Business ,GITAM university had visited school  and gave a talk on ‘FDI and its impact and implications on Indian Economy’.

Grade IX ,X &XI  had assembled in the EVS lab to hear him at 9.30 today morning. It was an interesting session right from the beginning .Prof.Rao had kept the young audience so captivated that the guest lecture which was supposed to last for one hour went on for two and half hours and , Oakridger’s who doesn't like block periods also forgot to look at their watches .The lecture had been very interesting and was a good learning experience for students. Prof .Rao spoke about what, how and why FDI and its implications on Indian economy. After the session children asked him many questions not only on this topic but general questions about Indian economy. Prof. Rao said ‘we should not remain a mere task force but be a driving force of entrepreneur’. The young entrepreneurs enjoyed the session and thanked him with the loudest possible applause. Prof .Rao appreciated the school's initiative to introduce these concepts at grade IX Level. The session ended with Kartik of grade IX thanking him for the insightful lecture.

Day out with Grand parents

As part of the theme (My family) the children of Pre-Primary were taken on a field trip to one of the student’s house . One family was selected for this theme to show students a joint family. The idea is to inculcate in children family values ,love and respect for the elders and importance of harmonious existence while living together. The children interacted with the Great Grandparents, Grandparents and parents. Grandparents spoke to the tiny tots the importance of respect for the elders. One of the Grandparents shared a story with the children.
It has been a wonderful trip for young ones who more or less these days live in nuclear families.

Ganesh Chatuthi Celebration in Campus

Ganesh chaturthi was celebrated at residential campus on  September 19th with all the students enthusiastically taking part in the celebrations. Ganesh Pooja was prformed and prasd was distributed to all. This was followed by a good lunch.
