The children of VI A had a practical on
the dissection of a flower. The children dissected a Hibiscus flower and
displayed all the parts of a flower. They also displayed the reproductive parts
of the flower. The students observed the ovules and pollen grains under
the microscope. The students finally made notes of their observations.
children of Nursery were taken to the post office as per their ongoing
theme Helping Hands. They saw how a postman takes a letter from the post box
and delivers it. Instead, each one carried a post card written (love you mom and dad) and
posted it in the post box to their postal address. This clearly helped the
children to know how exactly a postman helps us.
Students from grade VIII & IX were taken for a MUN Conference to Hyderabad to Indus International School. Leeladhar of Grade -IX secured the third place.
During circle time the children were asked to
identify and name the things they carry in their bag to school daily, for example,
water bottle, snack box, dairy, book, pencil box, etc. This
activity gives the children the knowledge of responsibility in taking care of
their things while going to school. Teachers- Deepthi And Priyanka
Shivang and Vivek
of grade VIII A had taken a student lead class in connection with the lesson
"pressure".They presented the topic related to atmospheric pressure
and its applications. Students were
tested by asking various questions related to the topic.they help out few
students who were unable to solve the numerical 's.
Sriya of grade VII CIE had taken a
student lead class on the topic sound propagation in connection with the lesson
"sound".she explained the lesson with the help of a ppt. showing the
parts of ear which receive sound and how is it transmitted.
Students of class
6A have done a lab activity on magnets in connection with the lesson "fun
with magnets". Students performed various activities with magnets and
learned all the properties of magnets. Students had a fun
in playing with magnets and learning about them.
Class IV, V, VI and VIII
learnt how to make delicious sabudana Veda on 21/8/14 in club class and
the food was delicious and they enjoyed the activity very much. They also distributed
the food to teachers, principal and Director sir.
Tanvi Varma of
Grade VII CBSE had taken a student lead class on the topic Working and
Functions of the Heart. She presented the topic related to the lesson
Transport of Substances in Animals and Plants.
Baby Care: It is a water play activity wherein the children were given a toy of a small boy and asked to bathe the baby, clean it and dress up. The children enjoyed a lot. This activity helps them to develop their social skills and caring towards others.