This winter let’s just have memories of cold lazy mornings, warm food and lots of fun in school and home. Let’s keep all the winter blues and woes at a distance. The current season gives a good platform for our viruses to breed and spread making life’s miserable. It is very important to take precautions and the necessary action to avoid falling sick this winter.
Let’s know a little about the virus going around the city
DENGUE-Dengue fever (break bone fever)
Dengue fever is a disease caused by a family of viruses that are transmitted by mosquitoes. It is an acute illness of sudden onset that usually follows a benign course with symptoms such as
SYMPTOMS-Headache, fever, exhaustion, joint pains,-swollen glands, rash, bleeding gums, muscle pain.
DENGUE TRIAD of Fever, rash, headache (joint pains)
These symptoms can progress to severe hemorrhages, rashes, bleeding –Dengue Hemorrhagic syndrome followed by life threatening DIAGNOSIS-Symptoms and physical examination is usually diagnostic. Confirmation by virus culture and serology.
SPREAD-Mosquito borne infection spread by Aedes mosquito (usually bites during the day -peak period between sunrise and sunset)
MANAGEMENT-Treatment is symptomatic depending on the patient’s condition. Antibiotics don’t work since it is a viral illness. Fluids and other replacement therapy may be sometimes required. Rest is very essential and helps in an early recovery.
PREVENTION:-Prevention of dengue fever requires control and eradication of mosquitos
-Stagnant water is the breeding ground-make sure you empty buckets, pools , trash etc
-Insecticides to control the adult and larval forms of mosquitoes
Personal protection-
-Wear long covered clothing
-Use mosquito nets, mosquito repellents
-Avoid areas with heavy mosquito population
-Report authorities on the mosquito menace
It is every body’s responsibility to prevent the spread.
Take the necessary precautions, stay back from school or work when not feeling well, consult your physician at the earliest.
Note: Feel free to post your questions to the doctor